Monday, December 7, 2020

My Life Would Suck without You

Image courtesy of dnaindia

“Fat! Ugly!” A boy shouted in front of me.


“Skinny! Stupid!” I insulted him back.


That is our sixth fight that month. There was no day without a fight. I was so fed up with him. I hated him.

Friday, October 23, 2020



There were things more important than her happiness, thought Indah. How could she laugh over the tears of the one she loves the most? That person's smile was the most important thing in her life. She’d do everything to make that person happy, including sacrificing her own happiness.

image courtesy of jannatul-sarna at touchtalent

Tuesday, October 6, 2020



Akhirnya hari ini tiba juga,  telah lama kunanti hari yang akan menjadi selembar cerita dalam buku sejarah hidupku, “Nanti aku jemput jam 7, dandan yang cantik ya.” kata-kata itu terngiang lagi di telingaku, entah untuk yang keberapa ratus kalinya.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Lukisan Si Gadis Kecil


Hujan lebat yang mengguyur College State sejak subuh tadi membuatku betah bermalas-malasan di tempat tidur hangatku. Aku mengabaikan alarm yang sudah berkali-kali berbunyi menandakan waktunya untuk bangun. Hujan, aku tidak begitu suka hujan karena hujan sering membawa penyakit, tapi kali ini hujan bisa kujadikan alasan untuk tidak menghadiri kuliah yang kubenci.


image courtesy of

Sunday, August 30, 2020



            Valentine.. Hari pink. Hari penuh kasih sayang. Hari penuh cinta. Benarkah?

Saturday, July 25, 2020


I can see you standing, honey
With his arms around your body
Laughing but the joke’s not funny at all
And It took you five whole minutes
To pack us up and leave me with it
Holding all this love out here in the hall
I think I’ve seen this film before
And I didn’t like the ending
You’re not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
You were my town, now I’m in exile seeing you out
I think I’ve seen this film before

image courtesy of Taylor Swift

Monday, July 13, 2020

Dia Milikku

“Tari, kamu kenapa? Ini aku Agus.” dia berjalan menghampiriku, secara otomatis makhluk yang menempel di punggungnya ikut mendektaiku, “DIA MILIKKU.. DIA MILIKKU.” ucapnya berulang-ulang.

image courtesy of

Friday, July 10, 2020

Somebody's Me (English)


You, do you remember me like I remember you?
Do you spend your life going back in your mind to that time?
'Cause I, I walk the streets alone
I hate being on my own
And everyone can see that
I really fell
And I’m going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else

image courtesy of  Holohololand at freedigitalphotos

Monday, July 6, 2020

Somebody's Me

You, do you remember me like I remember you?
Do you spend your life going back in your mind to that time?
‘Cause I, I walk the streets alone
I hate being on my own

image courtesy of holohololand at freedigitalphotos,net

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


The great Lion statue, go straight south. First crossroad, turn right, then left. Right again, left again. Endless coconut trees on either side of the road. The air, which was so cold a few moments ago, becomes hotter; it smells salty. I keep on driving until I see a big green sign, “Welcome to Marshville”. From this point, I can see the famous Marshville cliff on the right side of the road. It’s about 30 meters above sea level. The myth says that if you can stand at the edge of the cliff for one minute while making a wish, your wish will be granted, but I was never stupid enough to try it. Marshville cliff is famous not because of that stupid myth, but because it has killed many people. It doesn’t directly kill people, it’s not haunted or something, it’s just that it’s a perfect place to commit suicide.
Suicide! That word dances in my head.

image courtesy of jonnymelon

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Happy Ending

Mataku menatap nanar ke arah dua orang siswa yang sedang duduk berdua di balkon kelas. Seorang cewek, murid pindahan dari Denpasar, namanya Angelica. Dia memang cantik dan baik seperti bidadari. Semua yang melihatnya pasti akan terpesona. Aku harap kami tak berteman sehingga aku akan tidak akan merasa begitu bersalah karena membencinya. Yang satu lagi Andhika, seorang cowok yang sebenarnya keren tapi tidak begitu pandai bergaul. Selama ini temannya hanya aku; hanya aku sebelum bidadari itu masuk ke kehidupan kami.
image courtesy of robertjsternberg

Monday, June 1, 2020

Bayi Laki-Laki

Kehadiranmu di dalam rahimku adalah hal yang paling kutunggu selama ini. Bukan karena aku tidak sayang pada ketiga kakak perempuanmu, tapi karena kehadiran seorang anak lelaki akan menguatkan posisiku.
image courtesy of Patrisyu at Freedigitalphotos

Saturday, May 30, 2020

My Life Would Suck Without You

“Gendut! Jelek!” seorang cowok berteriak di depanku.
“Item! Oon!” aku balas menghina.

Image courtesy of dnaindia

Monday, May 25, 2020

Trijek-ing in Special Region of Yogyakarta

Aside from its beautiful coastal lines, Indonesia is also famous for its marvelous mountains and volcanoes. According to, Indonesia has the third largest number of volcanoes after the United States of America and Russia. The web says that Indonesia has around 139 volcanoes (other sites give different numbers though).

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Five Gorgeous Beaches in Indonesia

Which do you love more? Mountains or beaches?
I think I love both, equally…

But since going to beaches is a lot easier and requires less preparations, I go to the beaches a lot more often. Here I’ll share my stories of visiting five of the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Susi Susanti: Love All

The first time I heard of Susi Susanti was when I was in elementary school. She and her husband, Alan Budikusuma were featured in an article in a Bahasa Indonesia text book. She is a legend in Indonesia’s sport history as she was the first ever Indonesian to win an Olympic gold medal! And her husband, Alan, was the second! They both won medals in Badminton event, Women Single and Men Single disciplines at the Barcelona 1992 Summer Olympics. No wonder, they’re dubbed as the Olympic Gold couple.
image courtesy of Republika

Friday, May 8, 2020

Never Ever Come Back

He came back.


The person who once had left me was now back again. Offering love. Saying he was only mine. Giving me the reason why he left me.

Image courtesy of Asalesguy

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Mimpi itu lagi. Mimpi yang sama datang berulang-ulang kali. Seorang wanita muda dengan pakaian robek, badan penuh memar dan luka, kaki dan tangan terikat rantai, berteriak minta tolong. Siapa wanita itu? Wajahnya asing, tapi ntah kenapa aku merasa ada hubungan dengannya. Ya, pasti ada hubungan antara kami, kalau tidak, bagaimana mungkin dia datang ke mimpiku hampir setiap malam? Aku harus tahu siapa wanita itu sebenarnya, aku tidak bisa terus-terusan membiarkannya mengganggu tidurku.

Image courtesy of

Monday, May 4, 2020

Kan Kukubur Cinta Ini di Hatiku


“Sebaiknya kita berteman saja mulai sekarang.” dia berkata tanpa melihatku.

Aku tersentak. Apakah aku salah dengar? Dia ingin mengakhiri hubungan kami?

image courtesy of Lifereader

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


I put the baby back onto the black sand. I then stood and walked away without looking back. Honey, your suffering is over, right? This is indeed the best way for you. Rather than letting you live in this cruel hellish world, I'd better return you to heaven. Goodbye my child, mother loves you ...
Image courtesy of Gubgib at Freedigitalphotos

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Selamat Tinggal Anakku

Bayi mungil itu keletakkan kembali di pasir pantai. Aku berdiri dan berjalan tertatih-tatih. Sayang, penderitaanmu sudah berakhir kan? Ini memang jalan terbaik untukmu. Daripada kau hidup di dunia kejam ini dan masuk neraka, lebih baik aku mengembalikanmu ke surga. Selamat tinggal anakku, ibu mencintaimu...

Image courtesy of Gubgib at Freedigitalphotos

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Masuk UKM MAPALA memang merupakan keinginanku sejak dulu. Di SMA-ku tidak ada SISPALA, jadi aku tidak pernah dapat kesempatan untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang kegiatan pencinta alam.

Image courtesy of

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


“Just like fairy tales, our lives, no matter how bad it seemed at first, would be beautiful in the end, if they were not, then it wasn’t the end yet”. I believed it; I lived my life thinking that I would be like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty, or Belle in Beauty and the Beast. The point is, I believed that I was destined to be happy, just like those princesses in fairy tales. However, life is not a fairy tale, my prince did come, but he was not a prince like he was supposed to be.
Image courtesy of Wallapapercave

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Even If It Kills Me

What is worse than being rejected by someone you love?
Loving someone deeply, but not having enough courage to tell that person.
What is worse than that?
Loving someone deeply, not having enough courage to tell that person, and knowing he will never be yours.
Image courtesy of Wallpapercave

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Siapa Namamu?

Aku berdiri di depan cermin, memperhatikan dengan malas baju ungu muda berenda putih yang sedang kukenakan. Ini adalah baju keempat yang kucoba malam ini, “Kayaknya aku nggak jadi pergi deh.” kataku pada bayangan wajah sahabatku, Renita, yang terpantul di cermin.

Image courtesy of Hdqwalls

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What If Tomorrow Never Comes

“Tomorrow.” Andri clenched his right hand into a tight fist while looking at the street below, at a long-haired girl who was casually riding her scooter. Andri didn’t know what her name was, or where she came from. All that he knew about her was that she was a student of Visual Arts Department; it could be seen from the jacket she always wore.

Image courtesy of

Monday, April 6, 2020


Anika hung up the call angrily, leaving me mid-sentence. It was our fourth call this month, and fourth fight too. Yeah, we always had something to argue about. It was usually her though, being irrationally insecure. She thought I was having fun with other women here. Huh, like for real, what’s the chance of me cheating on her? She thought because I rarely called, I was ignoring her. I already told her I had very limited data.

image courtesy of Njij at Freedigitalphotos

Monday, March 16, 2020

Growing My Nails

I’ve never had long nails before. My nails would get dirty and sometimes broken if I hadn’t cut them in a week, so I always cut them regularly. I always had the same short nails with plain nail polish on. I actually felt jealous seeing other women with beautiful long nails; how did they manage to keep the nails clean and strong while growing them?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Mawar (Dina Valentine)

I used to love writing short stories. They were mostly in Indonesia, and a few were written in English. I’d been thinking for quite sometime to translate at least one of them into Balinese. Yeah Balinese, my mother tongue. Balinese also has its own alphabet which we call aksara Bali (shown in the picture); a, na, ca, ra, ka, da, ta, sa, wa, la, ma, ga, ba, nga, pa, ja, ya, nya. Simple? Not at all, there are also additional aksara. What makes it more difficult is that, we aren’t taught to read Balinese texts written in Balinese alphabets in daily life. We just learn to do it for exam or something, unless we take Balinese Language and/or Literature major in college.

image courtesy of Kompasiana

For more about Balinese alphabet: Balinese script

Monday, March 9, 2020

Tirta (English Version)

Time, my dearest friend, how are you? It’s been a while-a long long while- since the last time I talked to you. I am sorry for being so silent. I am sorry for not enjoying you.

Time, can  we go back to the past? Not to change anything. I just want to come back, to touch his face once again, to feel the love once again, before you stop, before I leave this world.

image courtesy of jannatul-sarna at touchtalent

Friday, March 6, 2020

Putri Malu dan Pungguk yang Merindukan Bulan

Zaman dahulu kala di sebuah kerajaan besar, hiduplah seorang gadis buruk rupa bersama orang tuanya yang sangat miskin. Selain buruk rupa, gadis itu juga memeiliki sifat dan sikap yang buruk; dia tidak pernah mau membantu orang tuanya, bahkan dia menyalahkan mereka karena melahirkannya sebagai seseorang yang tidak cantik. Nama gadis itu adalah Marcella, tapi karena wajah dan prilakunya yang jelek, dia sering dipanggil Malbela.
image courtesy of Hariadhi at Wikipedia

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Malam itu hujan, gerimis bulan Desember. Aku merasa seperti wanita jalang yang dicampakkan. Aku menangis. Aku malu. Aku terluka. Aku sakit.

image courtesy of jannatul-sarna at touchtalent

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Tubuhku tiba – tiba lunglai begitu aku mendengar kalimat sederhana yang keluar dari bibir wanita itu, “Aku hamil.”

image courtesy of rawpixel

Monday, January 27, 2020

Two Broken Hearts

I never know what my fault is. My life was perfect before, it was so beautiful and colorful, but now everything is different. I have lost the things that I love the most; the warmth that I used to feel, the laughter that I used to hear, and the romantic love story that I used to witness. Everything has gone because of a mistake. Whose? Not mine!!

Image courtesy of public domain pictures

Monday, January 20, 2020

Under The Frangipani Tree

Watching him had become a habit, or to be more exact, a necessity. Fifteen minutes watching him under the frangipani tree was probably the best fifteen minutes I spent in school. Seeing his smile, counting his steps, noticing his sturdy back that disappeared behind the cafeteria, all of that was a daily ritual that I couldn’t miss. I was addicted.

Di Bawah Pohon Kamboja

Mengamati pria itu sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan, atau mungkin lebih tepatnya suatu kebutuhan. Lima belas menit itu adalah lima belas menit terindah yang kuhabiskan di sekolah. Melihat senyumnya, menghitung langkahnya, memerhatikan punggung tegapnya yang menghilang di balik kantin, semua itu adalah ritual sehari – hariku yang tidak bisa kulewatkan. Aku kecanduan.
image courtesy of bibittanamanpohon

Monday, January 13, 2020

Taj Mahal

It was on the last day of my third visit to India that I could finally get a chance to visit the love monument, Taj Mahal. It was on a cold day in December, on the 12th to be exact. We were done with all the meetings and our flight was late at night, so we had an entire day to explore.

Friday, January 3, 2020


My heart beats twice faster than usual. I count my every single step to erase my nervousness, “Walk faster, you lame snail!” that voice commands. I ignore it. I don’t want to walk faster. I'm not ready yet!

image courtesy of ldrawingskill