Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A for Acrostic

When I was a kid, I used to looooove writing. I had note books full of random things I wrote; diary entries, Korean celebs I had a crush on, short stories, and also poems.

I don’t know what happened, now I don’t write anymore. I’ve lost my only talent I guess. Or, I’ve simply become lazy. Too lazy to write anything. In fact, too lazy to do anything.


I added making an acrostic to my bucket list like 3 years ago, in hope it would awaken the sleeping writer in me. But guess what, I was still too lazy.


One day, however, I was in office, working (attending a zoom meeting and writing an official letter), and suddenly missing someone haha. So I opened a new document and started making a poem about it, sent it to that person but it took him a while to realize it haha.


Here it is…..


I lie awake at night


My mind wanders and wonders

I think about many things and nothing at the same time

Something is bothering me

Something is haunting me


Yet, I don’t know what that something is

One thing that I know, I won’t be able to sleep

Until I know what that something is




And then a few days after that, we had a fight. I was super mad at him. I quickly wrote another poem about it. This time he got it right away. He said, “I like this. It defines me.”


And here it is….


Find the darkest room in your heart

Unlock the door

Check the demon inside

Know that it's you, the real you


You can wear a mask

Or hide behind a sweet smile

Unfortunately, you're still you, a cruel demon!



I actually made another one, using his name. I don’t think I’ll share it though hehe.